On the idyllic outskirts of the picturesque district town of Seelow, the administrative seat of the Märkisch Oderland district, lies this well-kept, quiet and modern residential complex on a very scenic hill. Garden areas are available as well as parking spaces and garages.
Seelow is located on the western edge of the Oderbruch, on the federal highway 1. The distance to the center of Berlin is about 70 km, the distance to the border to Poland about 20 km.
In the birthplace of Werner Otto (founder of Otto Versand) you will find an attractive mix of nature, culture and infrastructure. In addition to elementary schools, there is also a high school, an adult education center and an advanced professional college. Via the inner-city train station you can reach the center of the university city Frankfurt/Oder in 20 min. by regional train.