
The sustainability and professional development of our individual team members is of great importance to us. Therefore, we wish to grow and learn together as a team and strive for long-term partnerships. If you are interested in our field of business, please don’t hestitate to get in touch with us as soon as possible.

Please send your application to:
Malinda Strahl | HR
Your contact person:
Malinda Strahl
Human Resources

+49 30 60 98 361-87
+49 30 60 98 361-99

Current available positions at „BERMUC“:

Construction team with helmets

Bauleiter/Bauingenieur (m/w/d)

Location: Berlin permanent

Kaufmännischer Asset Manager (m/w/d)

Location: Berlin permanent

Mitarbeiter*in Facility Management (m/w/d)

Location: Berlin permanent

Objektbetreuer (m/w/d) für den Garagenhof "Neue Mühle" in Strausberg

Location: Berlin permanent

Polier (m/w/d)

Location: Berlin permanent

Projektmanager (m/w/d) - Bauingenieurwesen/Architektur

Location: Berlin permanent

Senior PHP Entwickler (m/w/d)

Location: Berlin permanent

Vermietungsmanager (m/w/d)

Location: Berlin permanent

Unsolicited application? Gladly!

You feel at home in the world of real estate management and you want to be part of a team that is passionate about it and wants to make a difference? We look forward to your significant unsolicited application.!

Apply now